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10 Red Flags that shouldn’t be Ignored…

It is really easy to ignore red flags in relationships, especially in the beginning. 

For as long as time people have been able to hide their true natures behind a facade of charm.  Ted Bundy is not the only person with good looks and charm, who turned out not to be so nice. 

All too often prince charming turns out to be a raging sociopath with deep seated mommy issues.  Or snow white is hiding a crystal meth addiction.  

You get the point… 

Unfortunately, the longer red flags are ignored, the harder it is to leave relationships. So here are some of the most common red flags to look out for.  

1) Put Downs

It is very easy to brush aside small put downs in the beginning of a relationship, but it is actually a serious red flag.  

Put downs and criticism, no matter how subtle, are an indication that someone is seeking to feel better about themselves by deprecating other people.

Oftentimes the put downs start out small in the beginning of a relationship, such as pointing out an unmatching outfit or criticizing a hairstyle. 

But they will inevitably become more frequent and more severe as the relationship progresses. 

2) Being Pressured

If you are being pressured to do things that do not feel right in your gut, this is a red flag.

It is common to want to please your partner, but doing small things that you are not comfortable with will lead to larger demands.

Oftentimes people choose to do things they are not comfortable with because they think that it will appease their partner.

Actually, giving into pressure just tells that person that you are willing to do anything to please them.  The demands will get bigger and more uncomfortable.  

It is the same method that cult leaders use to get their subjects to do anything. 

3) Lying

Any lying, even “little white lies” are serious red flags in relationships.

It is easy to overlook lies, especially in the beginning of a relationship.  But hiding things and making up stories is an indication of a much bigger problem.  

People who lie are trying to hide something about themselves.  It may be a personality trait or a behavior they are engaging in that they don’t want you to know about.

4) Controlling Behavior is a huge Red Flag in Relationship

  1. Insisting that you perform a sexual act
  2. Demanding that you behave in a certain way
  3. Telling you what to wear, how to style your hair, etc.
  4. Telling you who you can spend time with

If someone is controlling they are indicating that they do not want an equal relationship.

Besides telling you what to do, controlling people rarely listen or care what their partner is thinking or feeling. 

Being around a controlling person is never pleasant for very long, because they will fly off the handle the instant their partner does something they don’t approve of.

5) Micromanaging

Micromanaging is a form of controlling behavior where someone is constantly correcting someone for seemingly minor things.

A micro-manager will tell you are not stirring the eggs or right, or your pants don’t quite match your gloves.

Being in a relationship with a micromanager is exhausting.  If you choose to ignore this kind of behavior early on you will most likely be spending your time walking on eggshells. 

6) Accusing you of Things

Accusing you of cheating or lying is a huge red flag.  Constantly accusing you of smaller things like eating all snacks in the house, is also a red flag.

If someone is constantly looking for fault in other’s behavior, they will find it.  If you find yourself constantly being accused of things by your partner, this is a huge red flag.

You can try your best to be perfect, but that will not keep the person from finding things to accuse you of.

7) Insisting you do all the Work

A healthy relationships is an equal partnership where both people are contributing.

That doesn’t mean that both people have to contribute the same amount of money, or do the same amount of chores.

But overall, a relationship thrives when both people are putting in the same of effort.

If someone expects you do much more than they are doing, this is a huge red flag. It is indication that they are a “taker.”

A taker is simply someone who always tries to get more than they are giving.

A person like this will literally suck you dry and complain that you are not giving more.

8) Blaming others, Especially their exes

If someone is constantly blaming other people for their problems, especially their ex, it is a sure bet that they will eventually blame you as well.

Someone who blames others for their problems does not want to accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong.

Being in a relationship with someone who constantly blames others is never fun.  

Know that if you choose to be with someone who blames others you are signing up to be a punching bag for them.

9) Trying to make you Jealous

If someone is constantly flirting with other people when you are in public, they are most likely trying to get a reaction from you.

If someone thrives on another’s person’s jealousy to make them feel secure, this will turn into a bigger problem later on.

People who are secure do not need their mates to feel jealous.  If someone exhibits this behavior it is a serious red flag.  

10) Addictions

Hard drugs and excessive alcohol are obvious red flags that people often ignore

Living with someone with a drug or alcohol addiction is a 24/7 job.  Besides putting their lives at risk, people with addiction will often do anything to get their fix, including lying and stealing.

How to Deal with Red Flags in Relationships…

Oftentimes, people are able to hide negative aspects of their personalities early on in relationships, but fortunately, the red flags are always there early on. 

Recognizing the red flags is the first step to avoid getting stuck in bad relationships. The second step is learning to cultivate better relationships.

Cultivating Self Love…

Our closest relationships can reflect how we actually feel about yourselves.

Oftentimes we attract people who don’t have our best interests in mind because we have not learned to love ourselves.

An excellent book on cultivating self-love is “Heal your Life” by Louise Hay. Louise Hay was a runway model and had a wonderful life until her husband left her when she turned 40.

In the book she explains how she learned to love herself and how it changed her life.

Over the years I’ve had to let go of many relationships that didn’t serve me. But I really had to start feeling worthy before I started attracting more fulfilling relationships.

In order to start bringing more positive people into your circle it is important to make loving yourself a priority. You must feel worthy of having positive, uplifting relationships.

Write down your Positive Qualities…

Write down your positive qualities in a gratitude journal. Refer to this list often and remind yourself that you deserve love.

This sounds simple, but I have experienced profound results doing this simple exercise.


Therapy can also be useul for working through feelings of inadequacy or guilt that make it hard to leave toxic people.

You can find a list of licensed online therapists here.


There are online courses for people who repeatedly find themselves in abusive relationships.

The Narcisstic Trauma Recovery Program Is designed to help victims work through the shame and low self worth that often comes as a result of being in abusive relationships.

Know that you deserve healthy, uplifting relationships and trust that they will come!

Need some Guidance in your journey….

I am a  lifecoach specializing in happiness and life purpose.

Because I believe everyone needs and goals are different I offer as little or as many sessions as needed.

For a free 15 minute consultation e-mail me at