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Methods for Developing Mediumship Abilities
Everyone is capable of connecting to the other side, but in order to enhance mediumship abilities you must develop a set of senses beyond the physical ones.
Mediumship is a skill that can be improved like any other skill. It can be developed with consistent practice and a set method in place.
You may already be able to connect with people who have transitioned. Or you may just sense that you have the ability but don’t know where to start.
Whatever stage you are at, these 8 methods will help in developing your mediumship abilities.
1) Practice Developing Mediumship on Others
The best way to strengthen your mediumship abilities is to practice connecting for people who have lost loved ones. Ask your friends and family if you can practice on them.
Just make sure they know that you are practicing. It is important that they understand that someone might not come through. This will allow you to relax and not worry about results.
Practicing on others is more effective than simply trying to connect with your own lost loved ones, because you can gain feedback from people.
Eventually you can use these skills to talk to connect with your own loved ones.
One way of getting practice is to join facebook groups where people are looking for readings. Besides practice, this can also help you to meet other people looking to strengthen their mediumship abilities.
The only downside of this is that sometimes you won’t get feedback from people you have read.
The less you know of the person who has passed, the better. That way you know you are getting the information from a source beyond your physical mind.
How to Practice Readings on Others
When you are reading for someone, it is important that both you and that person know that a connection has actually been made.
You can do this by having a set of questions that you ask when you feel someone has come through. These are the questions I ask…
Question #1 How did you Die?
- Acknowledge any feelings that come up? (A tightening of the chest could mean a heart attack)
- Do you see any images in your mind’s eye? (A car could mean a car accident)
- Do you hear or smell anything
- Do any random thoughts come to mind?
When you are finished asking, tell the person what you are experiencing.
*Do not ask for any information from the person you are reading. This is called feeding the medium
*I recommend getting a mediumship journal to write down any impressions or feelings you may get.
This will be helpful later on when you are discovering your symbols.
Ask if the information you are providing resonates with the person you are practicing with. Don’t worry if it does not. Simply write what you experienced in the notebook.
Question #2: What is your relationship to the person?
- Acknowledge any feelings that come up
- Do you see any images?
- Do you hear or smell anything?
- Do any random thoughts come to mind?
- Tell the person what you are experiencing
As with the first questions, ask if the information you are relaying resonates with the person.
Whether it does or doesn’t, record it in your notebook.
Question #3 What side of the family are you on (if it is a family member)
- Acknowledge any feelings that come up
- Do you see any images?
- Do you hear or smell anything?
- Do any random thoughts come to mind?
- Tell the person what you are experiencing
Record the experience in your notebook.
Question #4: What is a specific detail that is pertinent to the person being read that there is no way I would know
- Acknowledge any feelings that come up
- Do you see any images?
- Do you hear or smell anything?
- Do any random thoughts come to mind?
- Tell the person what you are experiencing
Ask if the information given resonates with the person you are practicing with, and record details in your mediumship notebook.
At this point, if the information you received resonates with the person being read, then ask for a message.
When reading for others, the main objective of connecting is not just to simply to prove that you have connected to someone, but to give them a message from their loved one.
Question #5 What is the message that you wish to give?
- Acknowledge any feelings that come up
- Do you see any images?
- Do you hear or smell anything?
- Do any random thoughts come to mind?
- Tell the person what you are experiencing
Of course, there are numerous other questions that could be asked to verify that a connection has been made, but I recommend sticking to these four when starting out.
Even if the information received does not resonate, realize that you are practicing simply by having the intention to connect with people (or animals) on the other side.
Continue to practice and you will eventually start receiving information that resonates.
2) Find a Good Teacher
One of the best ways to enhance your mediumship abilities is to find a seasoned medium who is willing to teach others.
New age/spiritual stores often offer classes taught by mediums. Classes are usually just 20-25 dollars to drop in. An ideal mediumship circle will meet once a week.
Sometimes local classes are hard to find. There are also online mediumship courses that are very beneficial getting started.
Finding a mediumship course or class is a great way to establish a regular practice schedule.
It will also introduce you to other people who are also interested in developing their mediumship skills.
3) Know your Primary Sense
Many people have heard of the term Sixth Sense, but there actually isn’t just one extra sense.
There are several ways that we can communicate with people who have passed.
For example, Clairsentience is being able to feel information coming through from the other side.
Clairaudience is the abilty to hear information coming through the from other side.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see things from the other side.
These are not physical senses. For example, if you hear voices from spirits, it is not the ear drums that are picking up the sounds.
When you are practicing, notice how the information is coming through. Eventually you will notice that you primarily sense information in one of these ways.
Pay close attention to this, because will be the way that you will most be able to communicate with people who have transitioned.
Just as you will notice how you connect with Spirit when practicing with others, you may start to notice that your own loved one use the same senses to connect with you.
4) Learn to trust the Information that comes through
At first the information you are receiving might not be that clear, but it is important to communicate what you are receiving to the person you are reading for.
When you consistently doubt that the information is really coming from people who have passed, then you can block the information.
Remain open and trust that eventually the information will become more clear.
5) Meditate:
Regular meditation opens up a clear channel between you and spirit.
It calms the normal thinking mind which can open yourself up more to the other senses necessary for mediumship abilities.
6) Recognize your Symbols
Everyone’s symbols are different and recognizing your own can take some time.
If you are just starting to develop your mediumship skills do not worry too much about it. But the more you practice you may notice that the same sensations or images come up time and time again.
For example, if you see the color blue when you ask what side of the family a spirit was on, it may indicate they are from the father’s side.
Laura Lynn Jackson, a famous medium who is also a school teacher explains in her book, “The Light Between Us” that sees a chalkboard when communicating with spirits. They spell out messages for her there.
Different parts of the chalkboard represent the deceased’s relationship with the person being read.
This makes total sense considering she is a school teacher!
Write down any symbols that come up again and again in your mediumship notebook.
This makes communicating with spirits much more streamlined because you are not trying to interpret the symbol every time it comes up in a session.
7) Form your own Mediumship Circle
After you have practiced mediumship for awhile, you will start to meet other people interested in honing their mediumship skills.
Forming a regular mediumship circle is a great way to make sure you are practicing at least once a week.
Starting a mediumship circle also keeps the momentum to keep practicing your skills going.
Without regular feedback and a group of people also interested in developing their skills, it can be hard to keep going.
8) Don’t give up on Mediumship
This might seem obvious, but if you are serious about wanting to develop your skills, it is necessary to keep practicing.
Just remember that if you are consistent you will eventually be able to make a connection.
These methods have greatly helped me to develop my abilities as medium. It is my hope that they will help you in your own journey!
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