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It is human to fail and it is human to suffer loss.  Whether it’s the loss of a relationship, a failed business venture, or anything else that wreaks havoc on our daily lives, we’ve all had times where we’ve had to start completely over in life.

There is no magical pill for recovering from absolute havoc.  However, there are techniques that can make the process of moving forward much smoother.

I have found the following four methods invaluable in times where I needed to forward while feeling like I’d lost everything.


1. In order to Start over in Life you must Accept Where you are

Get a journal, and make a brief, general list of how bad things are.  Do not hold back in describing exactly how you are feeling.

 For Example…

 “I am all alone and drowning in debt,” or  “I have lost everything important to me, and I’m not sure if I’ll ever be happy again.”  Don’t hold back expressing exactly how you feel.

Then, simply acknowledge that this is where you are.  Accept it as your starting point and stop trying to fight it.

Whether it was bad decisions or universal forces out of your control that created the turmoil, the situation remains what it is.

If it was a bad decision then learn from the mistake, but remember that regret will not move you forward.

Fighting against  the situation will not change it in the least.  There is much wisdom in the phrase: It is what it is


 2.  Create a Clear Vision of the Future you wish to Live

It is very difficult to move forward in a difficult situation without a clear vision of where you want to be.

Ask yourself, what you want your life to like in six months, then write it down.

It’s ok if you dont believe it’s possible.

Now ask yourself what you’d like your life to look like in a year, and write that down as well.

I am not suggesting that you look at the list daily and try to will it into being.  The purpose of the exercise is to have some sort of sign post while you are dealing with the present situation.

Do what you need to do to deal with the current situation, but also keep your thoughts focused on that vision.

Meditation is a great tool to use to focus on your fututre vision. This guided meditation by Joe Dispenza is game changing for helping you to focus on a positive future.


  3. Reach for an Optimal State of Mind

This might seem obvious, but the first step in moving forward is reaching for a better state of mind.

Starting over in life is first and foremost an emotional journey.  It is about finding a way to feel hope even when things seem hopeless.

Instead of just seeing yourself getting through a particular situation, see yourself thriving.

Tell yourself that something good will come out of it, no matter how bad it seems.  Keep reminding yourself that things will eventually get better, even if it doesn’t happen overnight.

How we respond creates who we are.  Some people are never able to start over, yet some are able to thrive.  I believe the difference boils down to mind set.


    4.  Clear your mind

Putting aside time to clear your mind is so important when you are in a place of turmoil.

It is really hard to start over in life if you are in a nearly constant state of stress.  It puts you in survival mind and does not allow any insights to come through from the higher mind.

It is not easy at first, but just setting the intention to relax a few minutes will help carve a path to better days ahead.

It is sort of like putting on a light in a dark room– there is really no better guidance than your higher self when starting over in life. Record your experiences in a meditation journal and note any changes in your overall mood.

When I first started making a priority to quiet my mind.  I would have moments of peace and  insights throughout the day that I knew were not coming from my normal mind, and it really helped me to keep moving forward.

Remember that with a strong intention and desire to feel better, you can eventually move learn to move on from the past and create the life you want.

Need some Guidance in your journey….

I am a  lifecoach specializing in happiness and life purpose.

Because I believe everyone’s needs and goals are different I offer as little or as many sessions as needed.

For a free 15 minute consultation email me at

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