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How to Manifest Money

Have you ever noticed that the people who work the hardest tend to have the least amount of money?

I was taught, like most people that money is scarce and in order to get it you must sacrifice your time and do something you wouldn’t do otherwise.

For a long time I worked 50 hours a week and never had enough to do much more than get by.

And everytime I was able to save a little extra money, some unforseen emergency would happen, and I’d be right back down to zero.

I lived this way for a very long time.

Of course the only way I could ever conceive of getting more money was working more, but there were only so many hours in the day.

Then I was introduced to Rich Dad Poor Dad. This is a very popular (though contraversial) book that inspired my modern entrepeneurs.

Robert Kiyosaki, in the book, explained that most people are brain washed into working for money to make a small portion of the popular richer.

There are business people and investors on the “Rich” side, and employees and self-employed people on the “poor side.”

I was fascinated by the idea of having money work for me and set up to finding the perfect business…

Unfortunately, nothing I tried actually worked

Every idea I had fell through. I tried business plan after business plan until I finally gave up and decided that I just didn’t have the head for it.

What I didn’t realize is that I was trying to do something that wasn’t in line with my beliefs about money.

I was trying to start a business and live a life of leisure while at the same time believing that life was a struggle and I really didn’t deserve abundance.

Essentially, I was trying to create abundance while feeling lack. It simply doesn’t work.

Years later I realized this connection, and only then was I able to allow more money and less struggle into my life experience.

Here are 6 practical tips that I used to allow more money to flow into my life. I hope they can help you on your own journey towards wealth.

6 Ways to Manifest Money…

1) Examine your Beliefs about Money

Get a journal and and ask yourself honestly what you believe about money. Do you think you need to work long hours to have money. Do you believe money is evil?

Most of our beliefs about money come from our families, so most likely you will have similar beliefs as those close to you.

Here are some common beliefs that can keep you from manifesting money.

Belief 1:   You must Sacrifice to make Money

This is a very common belief if you grew up in a household with people that worked jobs they didn’t enjoy and had very little time to do anything else.

This is a false belief.  There are actually many people who are not sacrificing to make money.  There are also people with satisfying jobs and some people who don’t have to work at all for money.

Belief 2: There is a Limited amount of Money on the Planet

This is actually not true.  In fact, more money is being printed now more than ever.  There are also currencies that have no physical counterpart such as cryptocurrency and “credit.”

Belief 3: People who have have Money are taking it from Others

If you believe that people who have money are taking from people who don’t, then it will be really hard to manifest money into your experience.

If you are a good person then you don’t want to take resources from others for your own good.  

The truth is having money doesn’t take from others.  We can all have all the money we want if we believe it.  And very often people with a lot of extra money end up giving a lot of it away.

Belief 4:  Money is the Root of all Evil

No one wants to be evil, so if you believe that money is evil it will be very hard to manifest money.   You will keep yourself poor because you believe it is better than being rich and evil. 

Belief 5:  People who have a lot of Money are Special and know more than People who don’t

Not everyone with a lot of money knows that much more than anyone else.

There are many people with money who aren’t even particularly talented.  And there are people with money that don’t have a head for business.

Some people win the lottery or inherit money from ancestors they barely know.  

Belief 6: I am not worthy of abundance

Sometimes having feelings of low self worth can prevent money from manifesting. It is very common for people to want more money, but not believe they deserve it.

Therapy can be helpful to work through feelings of low self worth. Another way is to write down your positive qualities in a journal and refer to them often.

It can take some time to develop feelings of self worth, but it starts with an intention to love yourself.

2)  Ask Yourself “why” you want Money

Often we want money for a feeling of freedom.  We want to live a life that is free from worrying about not paying bills on time, or ending up homeless.

One of my favorite exercises is the “what would it feel like” exercise I learned from Abraham Hicks.

To do this exercise ask yourself how you would feel if you already had the money you wanted, then conjure the feeling.

This often takes a lot of work in the beginning because it is hard to ignore our current situations. But If you practice the feeling of having money, it will manifest eventually.

3)  Use Guided Meditations

Guided meditations are a great way to block out current circumstances to create a vision of a life of abundance.

I find Joe Dispenza’s future self meditation the most effective for creating a future vision more powerful than the present.

The most important thing is to feel the essence of what an abundant life would feel like.

Creative visualization is more than just creating images in your mind. It is about creating the feeling of the life you want.

4)  Take “Inspired” Acttion

Manifestation is not about taking action. Abraham Hicks talks a lot about inspired action vs. forced action.  

Many people try to take action to make money. But the action often comes from a feeling of lack

When you line up with abundance you will be inspired towards action. This is called inspired action.

The path will literally reveal itself to you.

You can read my personal story below of how I raised my frequency and took “inspired action” to start a business.

I hope you found these tips helpful. Know that if you do the inner work, the money will eventually manifest!

Need some Guidance in your journey….

I am a  lifecoach specializing in happiness and life purpose.

Because I believe everyone’s needs and goals are different I offer as little or as many sessions as needed.

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