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How to Manifest your Dream Life

Have you ever wondered why some people struggle everyday and others seem to be living lives straight out of fairytales?

It seems like only a select few people on the planet are lucky enough to be living the life of their dreams.

These people are seen as special or extremely lucky.

They are sometimes thought to possess a supernatural gift.  They are looked upon with both admiration and envy.

The truth is, no one is special.

You can manifest your dream life too.  It just takes a lot of focus and determination… And sometimes it involves ignoring a lot of people’s opinions!

Here are Eight Practical Methods to start manifesting the Life of your dreams now….

1) Be Clear about what you want to Manifest.

Get a journal and make a list of all the things you want to be included in your dream life. 

Really stretch your imagination and don’t hold back.  If you want five yachts and three mansions, then write it down.    

This is an exercise to stretch the imagination.  We are often trained to not think very much further than what we are experiencing in our current reality.

This makes it impossible to allow anything different to manifest.

Keep this list and look at it often, adding more things if they need to be added.

2)  Make a Vision Board of your Dream Life

A vision Board is a great tool to manifest things into your life.

Simply find a piece of poster board and look for images in magazines or other forms of media that represent things you want to manifest into your life.

You can also get a vision board kit with all the materials you need.

Pick any pictures that represent your dreamlife. It might be a picture of a beautiful wedding dress or a sandy beach.

Put affirmations next to the pictures as well. For example, “I am celebrating my special day.”

Look at the board regularly and tell yourself that those things are on their way into your experience.

3) Imagine Living your Dream Life now

Now turn the list you made in your journal into images in your mind

Imagine yourself living the life you want to live.

What kind of people are you surrounded by? Where do you live? What are you doing?

This process is called Creative Visualization.

Don’t hold back on this exercise. You may have a hard time doing this at first, but you are training your mind to be open to new possibilities.

4) “Feel” the Essence of your Dream Life now

Now that you have filled your mind with images, it is time to emotionally charge them.

All this means is that you must train yourself to feel differently than you are used to.

Because the law of attraction makes it hard to think and feel thoughts different than we are used to, it may take some time and effort to do this.

If you are unfamiliar with the law of attraction, you can read about it in depth in this book by Abraham Hicks.

How to feel the Essence of your Dreamlife…

I use an exercise I learned from the Abraham Hicks Material, where you ask yourself how it would feel to have something.

Ask yourself what it would feel like to be living the life of your dreams now.

For example, if you want three mansions, ask yourself, “What would it feel like to have three mansions?”

 If you are looking for a happy relationship, then ask yourself, “What would it feel like to be in a good relationship?”

The purpose of this exercise is to feel as if you living your dream life before it manifests. 

Afterall, the only reason we want anything is because we think it will give us a certain feeling.

This exercise trains the brain to feel like your dream life has already manifested. 

If you stay in that state long enough you will start to see changes in your life experience.

NOTE: This usually takes a lot of time and effort, because you are most likely used to feeling lack in your life.

Don’t beat up on yourself if it doesn’t work at first. If this were easy everyone would be doing it!

5)  Guided Meditations

If you have a hard time using creative visualization alone, guided meditations are an excellent tool to block out “reality” and feel the essence of your dreamlife.

These guided meditations by Joe Dispenza are designed to help you enter “the field” where you can create a vision of your future self.

I listen to Joe Dispenza meditations daily and have had a lot of success with them.

There are many other future self guided meditations on the internet as well.  I recommend trying out different ones to see which one works for you.

The important thing is that whichever meditation you choose helps you to attain the feeling of living the Life of Dreams.

It is not simply visualization, but a visceral feeling of living that life now.

6)  Stop listening to People’s Opinions

If you haven’t manifested your dream life yet, then the last thing you need is people telling you it’s not possible.

If someone says that manifesting what you want in life isn’t possible, they are just projecting their own experience onto yours. 

When you first begin trying to manifest things, it takes a bit of time to believe in yourself.  Believing people’s negative opinions just slows things down.

It is also hard for many people to believe something is possible until they see it manifest.

I personally only take advice from people who have the thing I want to manifest.  

For instance, before I had a satisfying relationship I’d ask my sister for advice all the time.  This was because she had a great relationship.  

If I wanted advice about money I would seek out the advice from someone who had a lot of money.  This usually thing entailed an internet search.

If decide to talk about your desire to manifest your dreamlife, make sure you choose open minded people who haven’t given up on life.

7) Let go of the “How”

If you have no idea how something is going to manifest, then banging your head against the walls trying to find the perfect “action” isn’t going to help.

Try not to be attached to how your dreams will manifest, because that’s not your job!

You might meet your soulmate in line at the grocery store.  You could get “discovered” singing in a bathroom stall.

The possibilities are endless. Don’t limit yourself by trying to figure out “how.”  just trust that it will eventually show up. 

8) Act when you Feel Inspired

There is a difference between “Forced action” and “Inspired action.”

When you start to line up with your desires you will get urges to take actions that will lead you in the direction of your desires.

Try to resist taking action when it feels forced. This can lead to more frustration when you don’t get the results you want.

I spent years taking action to try to make my life better but nothing came of it.  It wasn’t until I started doing these methods that I started seeing results.  

I still do take “massive action” but it comes from a place of alignment. 

It is important to note that when you decide to manifest your dreamlife, it can take time to see results.   It takes time to change our thoughts.  

So many people get excited about manifesting and then give up because they don’t see results right away.  

Just feeling better and attaining a feeling of hopefulness about the future is a manifestation. Eventually the manifestations themselves will follow!

Need some Guidance in your journey….

I am a  lifecoach specializing in happiness and life purpose.

Because I believe everyone’s needs and goals are different I offer as little or as many sessions as needed.

For a free 15 minute consultation email me at

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