The teachings of Abraham Hicks changed my life in so many ways, I feel like I need to share it with whoever I can.

Most people by now are familiar with the idea of Law of Attraction.  However, knowing about it and applying it are two very different things.

I first heard about “Creating your own Reality,” through the Seth Material at a young age, I was fascinated with the idea of my thoughts creating the world around me but I wasn’t exactly sure how I could really change the way I thought.

 It wasn’t until I discovered Abraham Hicks that I was able to practically use the information to change my life.

These are the five biggest areas of my life that have changed as a result of listing to Abraham Hicks.

1) I Stopped Trying so Hard to Change External Circumstances to Feel Better

One of my favorite Abraham Hicks Quotes is “Everything we want to do or be or have is because we think that in the having of it we’ll feel better.”

Before listening to Abraham Hicks I was trying desperately to make things happen in my life.  I was putting an enormous amount of action into trying to change my present circumstances.

After understanding that what I was really chasing was a feeling, I focused less on the circumstances I was trying to manifest and more on how I thought I would feel if those things manifested.

In other words, rather than striving to make things happen, I intended to put myself  into a state of allowing by feeling as if those things had already happened.

At first it felt weird to feel like I had things that I actually didn’t.  It felt like I was lying.  For me, I needed to remind myself that they hadn’t actually manifested.  So I said, “I know this thing hasn’t actually happened, but how would I feel if it did.”

This allowed me to bypass my feeling of disbelief.  Eventually I was able to conjure the feeling that I wanted.  

Everyone in this world desires a completely different set of things, but ultimately we all want the same thing.  A feeling of satisfaction.

For some it is having children.  For some it is having a million dollars.  For some it is simply having a solid check.  The circumstances do not matter.  We all want to feel satisfaction in our lives.

2) The Teachings of Abraham Hicks made me much more Aware of my Internal Thoughts

Making how I felt a priority in my life made me realize how often I was actually thinking negatively about myself. 

Although it wasn’t easy at first, I was able to set the intention to think better about myself.  To believe that I wasn’t a horrible person, and that I deserved to have things work out for me.

This is still a work in progress but I have been able to significantly change the way I view myself and the world.

3)  I was able to let go of More of the Past

In looking forward and trying to conjure positive emotions the past started being much less interesting.

I thought less about the past simply because I wasn’t focusing on it as much.  

In the words of Abraham Hicks, if you want to not think about something, the simplest way is to “lay new pipes.”

My new pipes were my determination to feel more positive emotions.  I could not find much in my past to conjure those emotions so I didn’t think about is as much.

As I started to feel better I had an even lesser desire to look backwards.

4) My relationship to money changed

Abraham describes money as a vibrational commodity.  She states that one must feel abundant in order to have abundance.

While I was practicing this Abraham Hicks exercise I was a full time musician and I had injured my hand and couldn’t play.

I went to the grocery and used the last room I had on my card.  I was worried about bills and didn’t know how I was going to come up with money when I realized that I had been trying to practice Abraham Hicks exercise of feeling abundance regardless of my personal circumstances.

I was able to get myself in an amazing state of mind despite the situation and when I got off the bus I felt an impulse to walk a different way home.  On the way I found 70 dollars on the sidewalk.

I knew in that instance that there was a connection between my thoughts and my experience and began to see money more in terms of vibration.

5) I learned to Move up the Vibrational Scale

In the Abraham Hicks book “Ask and it is Given” Abraham talks about the vibrational scale.  The lowest being fear and the highest appreciation. I had long understood the importance of feeling appreciation and joyfulness but it was really hard sometimes.

In the book, “Ask and it is Given, Abraham explains that the  best way to get out of fear is to feel anger.  That revenge is actually a higher vibration  than despair.

Instead of trying to feel wonderful in every moment I simply started trying to feel thoughts that felt a little better.  As a result started generally feeling better.

Since listening and applying the Abraham Hicks techniques I feel like I am living a different life. I feel like I am moving towards something instead of being in a constant state of despair.  

I am in a wonderful relationship, something I never thought possible.  Most of  my days are spent creating, while before my life was 90 percent hard work.

I have made my state of mind a priority and it has paid off in so  many ways.

I hope this inspires you to make how you feel a priority!! 

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