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The Abraham Hicks teachings is a body of information channeled by Esther Hicks . The teachings claim that we can change our lives by using the power of thought.

I been following and applying the Abraham Hicks teaching for years and seen miraculous results. Here are some of the ways that it changed my way of thinking, and eventually my whole reality…

I learned the difference between Forced and Action and Inspired Action

Like most people, I was brought up to believe the only way to change my life was through action.

Dozens of self help gurus have taught the value of taking action as the cornerstone of their philosophy. Having read many self help books, I spent years writing down goals and action steps.  


If anyone achieves results without action, it is considered luck. For instance, the actor who gets discovered in the bathroom because a producer happened to be in the next stall when he ran out of toilet paper. The man who on a whim purchased a lottery ticket for the first time in his life and won 20 million dollars…

Abraham Hicks teaches that thought is more important than action and there are two types of action…

Forced Action

When I first came across the Abraham Hicks material I was blown away when she explained that there were actually two different kinds of action. 

One, which she called forced action, is action taken out of desperation in an attempt to make something happen.

Inspired Action

The other, which she termed “Inspired action,” is action that comes out of aligning with what we want. It feels natural and is oftentimes so it is nearly impossible to resist. 

In order to achieve inspired action one must find alignment.

After coming across the material I realized that almost all the actions I was taking were not inspired, but an attempt to fix things in my life that weren’t working. 

I was working around 70 hours a week, but still desperately in debt and barely able to survive.  And no matter how many things I did to fix my relationship, it remained exactly the same.


I began to wonder if maybe there was more to luck than meets the eyes.  Maybe even lottery winners were not just randomly blessed with the right numbers. 

Maybe they were doing something inside first, before they got the urge to walk into the right gas station and pick those numbers.

Abraham Hicks Teaching

You must Change your thoughts and Emotions to Manifest

The Abraham Hicks teachings explain that in order for something to manifest, you must first make your own frequency match that which you desire. Positive emotions create a higher vibration.

In order to manifest something you must first summon the feeling of that which you desire.

I decided to stop making long lists of goals, and instead of obsessing about how much money I was making, take more time feeling the essence of what it would feel like to actually have money.  What it would feel like to feel secure and be loved.


At first it felt very unfamiliar.  I had to keep practicing.   My life had felt so bad for so long that even the thought of experiencing those emotions seemed utterly impossible.

  At that point I made it my number one goal, not to manifest anything in particular, but to train myself to feel those things.

The “What Would it Feel like Game”

One of the most helpful  Abraham Hicks’ exercises for me was the “What would it feel like” game.

To play this game, ask yoursels, “What would it feel like if______” and try to embody that feeling. 

I asked myself what it would feel like to not worry about money?  What would it feel like to be in a satisfying relationship? 

By doing this exercise I was able to   bypass my current circumstances and stop my brain from trying to tirelessly come up with reasons that neither of those things were possible. 

Sometimes the results were immediate.  In one instance, I had spent my last 70 dollars on groceries and was feeling worried and fearful about how I was going to pay my bills.  (I was, at the time, a full time harpist, and my hands had stopped working due to pain) 

In that moment of fear, I reminded myself that worry and fear would never produce the results I wanted, and began to think about what it would feel like to never have to worry about having enough. 

My state began to lift, and I felt an unfamiliar feeling of elation at the thought of it.  I stayed in that state the whole bus ride home and felt compelled to take a different way home where I found 70 dollars on the ground.  


Although 70 dollars was hardly enough to pay my bills, it gave me hope that I was on the right path, and that if I kept doing the emotional work, my finances would begin to shift. 

It furthered my resolve to the work of feeling better, and as Abraham states frequently “words don’t teach, experience does.” 


I started to Feel a little Better

There were times that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t improve my state, but over time with determination, I slowly began to feel better in general.

In time, my finances did shift, as well as every other aspect of my life. My hands remarkably returned to normal after a short amount of time and I was able to play again.


I played music on the streets for a living, so I decided that instead of focusing on paying my bills while I played, I would focus on feeling good, and raising the vibration of those around me.

I made more money than I ever did before, and found that the pain in my fingers dissapeared. In fact, when I slipped into worry, I found the pain returning almost instantly.


Allowing the path to Light up

“Allowing the path to light up” means finding alignment and allowing the Universe to gently coerce you towards that which you desire.

Action itself is not bad, but there is a difference between forcing something to happen and allowing it to happen.

This simply means that taking action from alignment (an uplifted state of mind) is different from taking action from a state of lack. 

Aligned action feels different.  It feels like an idea that comes out of nowhere that just feels right.  It feels like an overwhelming impulse to take a different way home.


My life continues to Improve due to the Abraham Hicks Teachings

Having worked several years on improving my alignment, my financial situation has changed drastically, I live in a place I love, and am in a wonderful relationship.  A few years ago, I never even dreamed those things were possible.

While my life is far from perfect, I have learned to recognize the correlation between my inner emotional state in the world around me. 

Need some Guidance in your journey….

I am a  lifecoach specializing in happiness and life purpose.

Because I believe everyone needs and goals are different I offer as little or as many sessions as needed.

For a free 15 minute consultation e-mail me at