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How to be a better Partner

There is a tendency in relationships to want the other person to change. 

It is much easier to see what the other person is doing wrong, but one thing I know is that it’s much easier to change yourself than someone else.   

These are 9 things that people in healthy relationships tend to do, and learning them can make you a better partner…

1) Practice Listening

Listening is extremely beneficial for relationships.

Being a good listener will help you to be a better partner.  This is an important quality to have in any relationship, not just romantic ones.

Listening is not just asking questions.  Listening is the act of really trying to understand what your partner is trying to tell you. 

Click here for a complete guide on how to practice listening.

2) Never withhold Affection as a form of Punishment

While withholding affection from your partner may work short term to get what you want, it is not beneficial in the long run.  

Repeatedly using silent treatments and withholding affection from your partner will only build resentment over time. 

3) Don’t discount your Partner’s Feelings

Never tell your partner their feelings are wrong.  If your partner feels a certain way, they have a reason to feel that way. 

Everyone has their own set of triggers.  Just because you might not feel the same way in a given situation does not mean their feelings are not valid.

Being able to put yourself into someone else’s situation is called empathy and it is absolutely necessary for healthy relationships.

While all people experience a similar gamut of emotions, we vary vastly in what invokes those feelings.  

4) Don’t discount your Partner’s Opinions or Ideas

This should go without saying but people in healthy relationships don’t tell their partner that their ideas and opinions are invalid or stupid. 

If you truly believe that your partner has some really dumb ideas or opinions then it is probably not a good idea to be in a relationship with that person.

5) Don’t play games

Pretending to not be interested by ignoring texts and calls  may work initially to keep someone interested but any kind of games do not work in committed long term relationships. 

Relationships based on games will not last.

6) Practice Appreciation

It is sometimes easier to find faults in people.  Take the time to acknowledge what you like about your partner and tell them frequently.

Get a gratitude Journal and write down all good qualities in your partner. Refer to them often.

People can always tell when they appreciated and when they are not.

7) Don’t hide your feelings

If something is bothering you let your partner know.  Bottling your feelings builds resentment and often ends in heated arguments.

8) Be supportive of your Partner’s Goals

If you believe your partner’s goals are not worth achieving, then it is  probably a good idea to end the relationship. 

Being supportive of your partner’s hopes and dreams is absolutely essential to a healthy relationship.

9) Make yourself happy

A lot of relationships go sour because people expect their partner to be responsible for their emotions at all moments. 

If you are not able to be happy alone you will not be happy with someone else. 

As cheesy as it sounds, learning to love yourself is the best thing you can do for your relationship. This book by Louise Hay offers a practical way to start loving yourself.

The more you practice self-love and learn to take care of your own needs, the more will you be able to show up from your partner.

Need some Guidance in your journey….

I am a  lifecoach specializing in happiness and life purpose.

Because I believe everyone needs and goals are different I offer as little or as many sessions as needed.

For a free 15 minute consultation e0mail me at