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There are times in life when it is necessary to completely let go of the past.  While it isn’t easy, it is possible. 

Letting go of the past starts in the mind first.  It is important to learn to control what you focus on. 

This can be done through meditation, immersing yourself in new projects, and creating a vision of the future that is more powerful and elicits more emotions than the past. 

Here are the six of the most effective methods I’ve used to let go of the past.

1) Set the Intention to Focus less on the Past

Letting go of the past starts with an intention to look forward.

This will not be easy at first, because most likely you are used to thinking more about the past than the future.

Do not expect to change your focus all at once.

Simply catch yourself when you are focusing on the past and acknowledge that that is where your focus is.

Try spending a little less airtime dwelling on the things you are trying to let go of.

With practice, it will eventually become easier to do.

2) Create a Vision of the Future more Powerful than the Past

A lot of times it is hard to let go of the past because the emotions associated with it are so powerful. 

It is especially hard to let go of betrayal and loss because these emotions are intense.  

When you are not completely in the thralls of past memories, try to imagine a future that feels satisfying.

Ask yourself how you would feel to be free from the past. How would it feel to be living in the future you want to live? 

Make the images associated with that future large in your mind’s eye and see yourself in the picture.

This is a process called creative visualization. You can read bout this proccess in depth in the book Creative Visualization, by Shakti Gawain.

3)  Pursue a Hobby or an Exciting goal

Sometimes immersing yourself in a goal can help you let go of the past.

Working towards an exciting goal takes a lot of energy and focus.

When you focus on something other than the past, you are giving the past less energy.

Get a journal and make of list of things that you’ve always wanted to learn or do, but never made time for in the past.

Working hard towards something you want can be very effective in letting go of the past. 

4) Meditation

Meditation is an effective way to disconnect from obsessive thoughts about the past. 

In order to move forward, it is important to get relief from painful emotions associated with the past.

Meditation, if practiced regularly, can help you to separate from those painful emotions and obsessive thoughts.

Guided meditations can be used to replace old imagery and painful emotions of the past with more positive ones of the future.

My personal favorite guided meditation is this one by Joe Dispenza. I practice this meditation regularly to keep a vision of my future in my mind’s eye.

It doesn’t matter how you achieve the vision of the future, the important part is that you really feel it.

5) Changing Locations

You may not be able to move very far, but even just moving to another apartment or house can help to let go of the past.

Oftentimes being around the exact same people and same scenery makes it very hard to completely let go of the past. 

The mind is trained to associate those people and places with the past associated with them.

The simple act of moving somewhere else can help act as a symbol of moving on.

6) Changing your Relationship to the Past

People who are able to move forward and let go of the past very often see the good in it. 

They take the lessons from the past and use them to move forward, without dwelling that much on the pain and regret associated with it.

Ask yourself if there were any lessons at all that could be taken from the past.  Was there anything gained from those experiences?

Are you stronger or more resilient as a result of things that happened in the past? Write the answer down in a journal and refer to them you are feeling regret.

Sometimes getting betrayed by others can help you become more aware of redflags to look out for in future relationships.

Had I not learned lessons from past relationships I truly don’t believe I would have the satisfying relationships I have now.

7) Therapy

Therapy can he very useful in working through painful emotions from the past.

It is important to heal from those experiences and learn from them so you don’t repeat the same cycle again and again.

You can find a list of fully accreditted online therapists here.

8) Life Coaching

Lifecoaches can help you to define your goals and move towards them.

Working with a lifecoach is like having personal cheerleader to get yourself moving the right direction.

I am personally a life coach and offer 15 minute free consulations at

It is important to note that finding the right coach is important. You want someone you feel comfortable with, and are confident can help you meet your goals.

If you want to lifecoaching for yourself, I recommend checking out different lifecoaches and find one perfect for you.

I hope you found these tips helpful. Good luck on your Journey!