There are numerous reasons to learn how to Meditate.  It is good for health, increased productivity and a better sense of well being to start with. I could go on and on about why it’s worth it to start practicing meditation, but it’s really something that has to  be experienced.

Anyone can learn how to meditate.  You do not have to be special or adept to do it.  However, it does take a strong desire and commitment to the practice.  This is why many people claim they can’t do it.

If you are just beginning your meditation journey don’t be too hard on yourself if it doesn’t happen all at once.  Be playful and experiment with different kinds of meditation. 

Eventually you’ll find the technique that works for you!

STEP ONE:  Choose a type of Meditation 

Choose which kind of meditation you want to try first. 

There are many  different kinds and styles of meditation, but  In my opinion they all fall into one of two basic kinds of meditation.  

1) Mindfulness

With mindful meditation, the object is to quiet the mind

This can be achieved by picking a sound in your current room to focus on.   It could be the sound of an air conditioner or the sound of your own breath.

Simply focus on the sound, and when your thoughts start to wander, gently bring your focus back.

You could also listen to a frequency or meditation music.

This is one of my personal favorite channels for this…

The important thing is using the sound to bring yourself into the present to stop thought.  If your objective is to simply achieve an empty state of mind then this is the best kind of meditation to start with.

2) Guided meditations

This kind of meditation involves  listening to someone guide you with a purpose.  You are essentially putting yourself into a relaxed state so you can actively direct your mind where you want it to go.

Guided meditations can be used for many different purposes.

There are meditations for connecting with your spirit guides.  Some are for healing.  Some are for astral projection.

My personal favorite guided meditation is the Joe Dispenza Meditation.  In this meditation you project yourself into the future and imagine yourself living your ideal life. 

Be realistic when you are first learning  how to meditate.  Find a time in your schedule when you will actually be able to practice.

Meditation is a practice.  No amount of learning about it will compensate for taking the time to actually do it.

There is no right or wrong time to practice meditation.  Many people prefer mornings when the rest of the household is still asleep.  I personally prefer the middle of the day because my mind is so active when I first wake up it’s nearly impossible to do.  


I get tired in the middle of the day, around 2 or 3pm so meditating at that time is like plugging myself in so to speak.

When you have picked a kind of meditation and have a place where you won’t be disturbed, then sit or lie down in a comfortable position.

Make sure there are no distractions.  Keep your cell phone ringer off whether you are listening to the sound of the air conditioner, or a guided meditation on your head phones

Wear something comfortable. 

Practice your meditation for a designated amount of time without worrying about the results. 

Do not get discouraged if your mind doesn’t shut off at first.  Don’t try to stop the thoughts.  Simply acknowledge them and return to your meditation until you are finished

  1.  Be easy on yourself.  Even if you feel like you didn’t achieve a meditative state right away, know that taking the time to practice is getting you closer to that goal.

  1. Keep it light and playful— try different kinds of meditation and see which one floats your boat.  Everyone is so different so there is no one size fits all.  Having this attitude will make you more likely to follow through with meditation in the future.
  1. Remember Meditation is a long term goal. Although some people are able to achieve the meditative state right away, it is often something that takes time to achieve. 

Commonly asked questions…

How often should I meditate?

It really depends.  I generally meditate more when I feel like my energy is lower.  Even a few minutes a day can be beneficial.  Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t meditate everyday.  In this day and age that is not always possible. 

I personally  know I have reached a meditative state when I just feel better.  My heart feels more open and a sense of well being overcomes me.  Some people describe it as a feeling of floating where you feel kind of separate from your body.

You’ll know it when you experience it but don’t worry too much about it in the beginning because that can actually prevent you from experiencing that state.

Some people report feeling pain if they are in the same position for too long.  I always allow myself to move if I feel the need to

People are sometimes afraid they won’t be able to protect themselves when meditating.  This can be alleviated by telling yourself that you will be alert and aware if there is any danger

An important note:

 Meditation does not alway have to involve sitting or lying down undisturbed.  

There is also walking meditation.  Here is a famous thich nhat hanh … 

Some people report being able to meditate while standing in line at the grocery store, by focusing their mind gently on a sound.  However, it is important to note that you can not completely let go during these types of meditations for obvious safety reasons.

Related post:

I hope this was helpful and good luck on your meditation journey!

Feel free to e-mail me at with any questions