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Energy is meant to be in a constant state of flux.  Any blockage of that energy creates stagnancy.  

Stagnant energy causes our bodies to feel tired and lethargic.  

Much like trapped water, we feel a lack of life and movement towards anything. 

Stagnancy creates feelings of boredom and frustration.  It can eventually lead to depression and a general lack of interest in living.

Unfortunately this feeling can last a long time if not dealt with.

Some people turn to drugs or alcohol to deal with stagnant energy, as these substances provide temporary relief. 

Junk food, marijuana, gambling, and other addictions are also common ways of dealing with stagnant energy.

Affairs often develop as a result of stagnant energy.  In extreme cases, people abandon their families.  

I believe the provincial mid life crisis is actually a prolonged feeling of stagnation.  The traditional path in the U.S. is to get educated, get a job, get married, and have children.

There is nothing wrong with this trajectory, however, it is our natural state to expand.  If we have achieved all our goals, then there is nothing to look forward to.  

Stagnate energy can form for many reasons.

Everyone is different.  Some people can stay decades at the same job without getting bored.  Some people are very happy in retirement.  

For some, retirement can cause stagnant energy.  Many people spend their whole lives waiting to retire only to find themselves bored and without direction.

Meeting a long met goal, after the initial celebration, a long sought promotion, or even getting married and having kids, can also cause feelings of stagnation.

I myself feel stagnant energy if I am not in a constant state of flux.

In the past, I fought the feeling of stagnation by changing locations and jobs.  After a year, I usually start to have the itch to move apartments.  

When I was younger with less liabilities and without the unfair rate of inflation, I was able to move freely through different energies and people by traveling and living on a very small budget.

However, that is not always an option.  

Moving stagnant energy does not mean making drastic changes in our lives.  Sometimes you can’t just overhaul your life.  You have obligations to your partner, your children, or a job etc.

Here are some effective ways to move stagnant energy without making any drastic changes in your life…

Everything is composed of energy.  Objects that are left unused or unmoved for a long time can start to take on stagnant energy.  This leads to a living environment that feels stagnant.

Moving is not always an option, so here are three simple ways to clear up stagnant energy in the home.

You do not have to completely overhaul your living space all at once. 

Most people have busy lives and it is impossible to move all the furniture and objects around in your house in one sitting.

Start by picking one corner of your living space. 

Ask yourself if the placement of the furniture makes sense.  Even if you like the placement of the furniture, try moving it an inch. (You can always move it back later)  

If you feel like the furniture would look better somewhere else, make a mental note of it.  

This can be done in less than a minute.  

Burn some sage or use a sage mist in the corner.  Sage is really good for clearing out old energy. While you are burning it, set the intention that any old energy is cleared from the space. 

Do this once a day, using as much time as you have. 

An air purifier will help clean stagnant energy in the air. This is especially useful if you live in a city with air pollution.

Imagine your space as you would like to be.  What little changes could you make to make it more comfortable or easy to navigate?

This process is known as creative visualization.

If you don’t have a lot of time, you can start with just one room, or even one corner.

This does not have to take a lot of time.

When you are finished, write down your conclusions in a journal.

Doing this alone will start to move stagnant energy in the environment.  

When you have the spare time, start to implement the changes.  

You can read about creative visualization in depth in this book, by Shakti Gawaiin.

Sorting not only makes things easy to find, it also clears stagnant energy.

If you only have 10 minutes to spare then designate 10 minutes to the task.

Start with one drawer, or one small area of your space.  Take out each object and really think about its purpose and whether you need to keep it. 

Put it in the spot where you think it is most useful based on how often it gets used.

When you are finished light some sage or use a sage spray, setting the intention that any old energies are banished and new energy enters the area.

Essential oil infusers are also effective for clearing out old energies.

How to free Stagnant Energy in the Body

1. Eat foods with more Life Energy

Highly processed foods can cause blockages in the physical body.  Junk food is highly addictive and it is unrealistic to try to cut it out all at once.

Fill your body with high energy foods as these have more life energy.  Greens, fruits, etc. have an effect on the molecules on our bodies.

If you are highly addicted to junk food, then it may be impossible to make changes all at once. 

 Do what you can.  Add a piece of fruit to a meal. 

Make a smoothie in the morning.  I add green vibrance and collagen to ensure I get the nutrients I need throughout the day.

Whatever you can do to start eating better is a start!

2. Exercise

It goes without saying that exercise breathes life into our bodies.

Just adding a small amount of physical activity into your weekly schedule can rejuvenate a tired body.

If you don’t want to go to a gym, there are online options as well.

Using Meditation to Move Stagnant Energy

Meditation is a great way of moving stagnant energy.

Stagnation is essentially a state of “stuckness.”  The antidote to feeling stuck is conjuring feelings of freedom and moving forward.

Meditation is a great way of shutting off “what is” to focus on a version of reality where things are moving and changing.  

I use this guided meditations often to shut off the outside world and bring in uplifting emotions.  This one by Joe Dispenza is my favorite.

I recommend trying out different ones and seeing what works for you.  If you are able to consistently change your state of being, eventually your life will start to reflect that state.

Fill your brain with new information. There is no reason to stop learning after a traditional education.  

Taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill can work wonders for moving stagnant energy.

A lack of goals can cause stagnant energy.

Even small goals can move energy.  It doesn’t have to be winning a Pulitzer prize.

Pick a small goal that feels realistically achievable and go for it! 

Really look at your  thoughts.  Where are you putting most of your attention?  

Are you living in the past?  Are you constantly thinking about things that are not working out in the present?

Deliberately try to think something different than you usually do.  Pick a subject that you haven’t thought about in awhile and think about it.

Try to draw your attention away from things that aren’t working out and think about ways in which your life is moving forward.

For in depth methods of working with thoughts, I recommend checking out the Abraham Hicks Books.

Here are some easy ways to change up your daily life..

  1. Eat something different/Go somewhere different to eat
  2. Go to a gym or work out in your home
  3. Change a daily ritual a tiny bit
  4. Do something different with the kids
  5. Buy something different at the grocery store

Moving stagnant energy does not have to be a gargantuan task.  Taking small measures can get huge results.  We are meant to feel alive and excited about life.  It is our natural state!

I am a  lifecoach specializing in happiness and life purpose.

Because I believe everyone’s needs and goals are different I offer as little or as many sessions as needed.

For a free 15 minute consultation email me at