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This is my experience listening to the Joe Dispenza Meditation from Week 1 “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.”  I did this meditation every day for seven months.  

I have listened to many of the Joe Dispenza meditations and I don’t believe this particular one is inherently better than the others.  It isjust the one that most resonated with me at the time.

The year prior to doing the Joe Dispenza Meditation Every day was one of the worst years in my Life…

The year before I started doing the Joe Dispenza meditation regularly I went through a crisis. 

The miserable job I’d been working for the last seven months became so unbearable I quit without having anything else lined up. 

The stress level was so high I was concerned that my health would deteriorate if I kept putting myself in such a low energy environment. 

I had never had a hard time finding a waitressing job in my life and I had plenty of money saved so I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal.

The interview after that didn’t work out.  I kept going to interviews.  One job said I was next in line but never called me back. 

Everyday I slapped down a ton of resumes and went to every interview.  In total I had 20 interviews that year and no one hired me.  

I got Scammed into Selling Insurance…

Also during that time I got scammed into an insurance selling job posing as customer service. 

I studied two weeks straight to get my insurance license only to find out it cost 400 dollars in all to get certificate. This was not even close to the refundable 50 dollars I was told it cost.

I worked every day all day for two months straight only to lose thousands of dollars.   After that I continued to look for work, only to keep getting rejected at interviews.

I started feeling depressed and unwanted, and began drinking a lot more.  I gained over 20 pounds and felt no reason to get out of bed. 

There were days where I barely got out of bed at all. 

I Blew through all my Savings…

Of course, I blew through all my savings.  Then I started going into debt.  I felt literally no purpose or inclination to do anything.  

I felt like I had lost everything.  Before moving to Vegas I worked a job I loved side by side with my boyfriend.  I always had plenty of spending money.  

When we moved to Vegas he found a job he loved but they didn’t allow couples so there was no chance of me working with him there.

During that time he started working full time and going out with his co-workers almost every night after work (I was not a fun person to be around at that time) so I hardly even saw him.

I felt such an intense feeling of loneliness it was very hard not to contemplate suicide.

I gave up ever Finding Employment…

I finally decided to stop trying to find employment when I drove 45 minutes through traffic for a scheduled interview, only to be told that the manager was not there.

This was not the first time that had happened, but it was the last straw for me.

I stopped putting out applications and decided that I would just have to accept going further and further into debt. 

I accepted that I would never be able to support myself because for whatever reason a job was just not in the stars.

Things Finally Seemed to Be Getting better…. 

It was at that time that I got a call regarding an earlier resume I’d turned in.  I went to the interview not expecting to ever be called, and was shocked when they actually hired me.

That was the first time I’d felt any hope of my life getting any better in a year.  I resolved that I would work really hard at getting myself in a better feeling place.

I wanted my own Business More than Ever

I had wanted to own my own business for more than 20 years but having experienced that year of unemployment made me want it more than ever.   

I wanted to know that I’d never have to be at the mercy of someone else’s opinion of me to be able to support myself.

The problem was I really didn’t know where to start.  I had tried so many things in the past and nothing ever ended up working out.

So I decided to stop trying to figure it out (which just amounted to more stress anyway) and to just be okay with not  knowing how it could possibly come about.


I resolved to stop trying to Figure anything Out

I resolved to just do my best to be happy and focus solely on improving my vibration. 

Before my crisis I had listened occasionally to the meditation, but since then I had lost all momentum and given up on practicing it at all.

After all it was a far stretch to imagine myself having the life of my dreams in the circumstances I was living.

I resolved that I would start listening to the meditation again, with an even greater intention of feeling good while doing it.

While practicing the meditation I began to have feelings of freedom and possibility.  During the meditation I imagined having a business that I love that I could do from anywhere.  

I didn’t know how it was ever possible but I was able to capture the essence of what I really wanted, even if I didn’t know how it would happen.

Besides meditating, I drastically cut down the amount of alcohol I was drinking. I even went completely dry for a couple months.

I am not anti drinking but it’s really hard to get in a high vibrational state with a hangover (at least it is for me). 

It was Hard to Maintain a high State of Mind when I wasn’t actively Meditating

At first I couldn’t maintain the state when I came out of the meditation.  As soon as I came back to “reality” I just felt stressed out again. 

It was really hard to feel the essence of what I wanted without closing my eyes and shutting down my external senses.

My current Reality was so different than the one I wanted, it was really hard to ignore.

But eventually I noticed that I felt a little less stressed throughout the day.  I started to feel more like who I was before my world fell apart.  

I still refused to take any action or try to make anything happen.  I just did the meditation, went to work, and practiced my music everyday.  

Over those 7 months I lost 35 pounds.  I started to feel a sense of satisfaction about my life again, but I still didn’t feel any inclination to do anything.

I finally felt Inspired to Action….

After 7 months of doing the Joe Dispenza meditation everyday, I felt the first smallest impulse to do something.  I heard a voice that said “just start to throw sticks at the fire and see what happens.”

It was a playful energy.  I decided to just experiment selling things online that I could make.  I bought some materials online and made a homemade mascara, then some mustache wax.  

Then I started thinking about a blog I had tried to start a year ago. I had written a couple articles and then set it down because the whole process seemed so overwhelming.

But this time when I listened to some videos on you tube about blogging, something just clicked in my mind.

Where before everything had seemed overwhelming and complicated, the information felt stimulating and exciting.  I quite literally felt like I was stepping into another world.  

Blogging felt like the most natural thing in the world for me to do and it checked all the boxes. I could write anywhere. I also love writing. I already had a bachelor’s degree in creative writing and wrote stories in my free time.

I knew that I could help people by sharing my experiences in life, and picked up the blog with a renewed determination.

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More Energy Started Pouring in….

After I started working on my blog again, I got a huge surge of energy.  It was like multiple paths lit up at the same time. 

I felt like I needed to pick two of my you tube channels that I hadn’t uploaded any content to in years.

I felt inspired to learn music production and start putting my new songs on spotify. 

Then I got inspired to start making music videos even though I knew virtually nothing about video editing.

It was a lot, but I didn’t feel overwhelmed at all. 

It was like that surge of energy was able to cut through the learning curb of accumulating new information.  

Then I felt this intense need to just start talking about some of my life experiences.

I never felt like I really had anything to share before but in that moment I knew that I actually did, and that the people who needed to hear what I had to say would find me.

I became a Certified Lifecoach

I got certified to be a lifecoach and started advertising on my blog and you tube channel.

Basically, I went from not being inspired to do anything to having a million things that I just knew I had to do. 

Even though it was sometimes overwhelming it felt like the right things to do.

I literally felt like I was being guided by something higher than myself.

I went from doing absolutely nothing to “working” all day.  It’s work I love though. 

I love making videos and I love writing and I know that it is making a difference.  It feels different than the past where I kept trying to make things happen.  

I know I am on the Right Path

I know that I am on the right path because it came to me. I did not try to make anything happen but feel as good as I could.

And I know that as long as I stay aligned I will know the next step.

I feel a deep need to share this experience with others because I struggled so much my whole life and it was really only after I found alignment that anything opened up for me.

I am so grateful for Joe Dispenza for doing the work he is doing and I know that the meditation was a big part of my feeling a sense of purpose again after experiencing so much darkness.  

It is my hope that my experience doing the meditation and committing myself to feeling better can serve as inspiration for anyone trying to rise themselves up in the world.  

I have since listened to many other people talk about their experiences practicing the teachings and meditations of Joe Dispenza.

So many people have reported miraculous changes in their lives as a result of his teachings, including being healed from so-called incurable diseases.

My life is still full of challenges but I wholeheartedly believe that doing the work of feeling good changes everything.

Anything is possible if you do the work of feeling good and raising your vibration!

Need some Guidance in your journey….

I am a  lifecoach  specializing in happiness and lifestyle design.

Having overcome many difficulties using the power of meditation and vibration, I am passionate about teaching what I’ve learned to others.

Because I believe everyone’s needs and goals are different I offer as little or as many sessions as needed.

For a free 15 minute consultation e-mail me at